Lessons · Reflection

Videotelling: Narrative Tenses with ‘A Thousand Words’

I’ve been trying more actively to incorporate elements of storytelling of late, and found a nice opportunity for a mini-videotelling this week which I wanted to share, along with the revisions I’d make. Videotelling, a term coined by Jamie Keddie, describes a kind of storytelling for the youtube age, exploiting the narrative of an engaging videoclip through… Continue reading Videotelling: Narrative Tenses with ‘A Thousand Words’

Activities · Lessons

My Life Story: Expressing the Hypothetical with Cuisenaire Rods

This post was inspired by an ELTJam post I recently came across and is also an excuse to… a. make my FIRST EVER GIF!!! and… b. revive cuisenaire rods. Poor little things deserted in the back of staffroom cupboards around the world. While avoiding the term l***ning sty*e here, I absolutely love the visceral handling of these… Continue reading My Life Story: Expressing the Hypothetical with Cuisenaire Rods

Activities · EAP · Lessons

Adapting Socratic Seminars for the EFL Classroom

I’m taking a bit of a liberty claiming to have adapted this activity, as I had the advantage of very high level students to road test it with. This term I found myself in the odd situation of teaching an elective course to a class including one native speaker (Colorado, born and raised) and several other bilingual students alongside… Continue reading Adapting Socratic Seminars for the EFL Classroom